2022 Jan 1 Edition Bhagawan Uvacha

Bhagawan Uvacha

It was a typical day in April 2006 at Sai Shruti, Kodaikanal, Bhagawan’s playground where some students are made to feel like champions while others build character. One such student of the latter category was seated that day in the living room aka soccer field of spirituality watching Swami talk to students on either side of him confused on how to handle this lack of attention from Him. Sai – whose heart is easily melted – decided to be more explicit in his intention and told a story to the gathering, not unlike a coach in the dressing room. Bhagawan narrated the below story to guide the brother. (Paragraph headings are provided by the author).

The Plot:

“The river starts at the top of a mountain peak with one intention. To merge into the ocean. On the way, it mends the land to its will and changes the nature of landscapes by its movement. It also nourishes so many animals and human beings and is the basis of sustenance of many villages. While all this was creating a turbulence of personality over it, the depth of the water still had the one and only intention which was to merge in the ocean.”

The Twist:

“When the river sees the ocean in its sights, it swells with joy and gushes forward to meet its beloved, the purpose of its creation. However, when the mighty ocean sees the river flowing in with all turbulence, it pushes it back with such force, that the river recedes and forms backwaters. However, the river does not stop since it has but one ambition. So, it continues to flow in and continues to get pushed back. Finally, the time comes when the river calms into a serene flow and the ocean extends a big wave to accept it within itself. The river then becomes one with the ocean. While it loses the identity of a river, it gains the identity of the ocean.”

The Lesson:

“Everyone of us who are born on this earth come with that one goal of becoming one with Him. Along the way we form attachments, face various ups and downs and gain a personality. Few continue their path towards their goal. Even those who do will often feel that God is dismissing them from His presence by ignoring their fervent appeals. Irrespective of the distractions of the world and even the dismissal of the Prabhu, it is the duty, nay, the right of the devotee to keep seeking union with Him. At the right time, like the wave of the ocean, the Lord will raise his benevolent arm accepting the well tested devotee into His fold.”