“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts”
~ William Shakespeare, As you like it
Bhagawan has been making us experience this eternal truth time and again. In fact, He says that the play is His, the characters are decided by Him, the entry and the exit too is pre-determined. All you have to do is play your little part and aspire for higher roles.
At our institute, drama – from a small classroom presentation to a high-profile convocation play
- had a subtle role in shaping our minds as students. Swami continues to use this platform to get His message across to us. Many boys were blessed to perform in Bhagawan’s presence as students
- some continue to engage in this play within the play of life and derive Bhagawan’s blessings.

Be it inspiring devotees to perform devotional plays or putting up astounding performances on January 1st with limited time, alumni continue to act as per His directions. This special story is a tribute to that art that has become sadhana for few of our brothers.
It all began in 2003. Swami used to ask for programs almost daily. It so happened that He asked for a programme on a particular day when none was planned. There was a distinct disappointment on His face. In fact, He remarked that we should always be ready when He commands. It’s a message we have to imbibe for life. That was also the year when Independence Day Drama was staged for the first time. It has now become a regular feature by the Institute students. Swami took a lot of interest in the script, sometimes narrating the script without even before anyone told Him – revealing that He was not just omniscient but in fact He was one who is scripting the play and in deed our lives.
Guiding Devotee groups in Dramas

Over the years, Swami has built a rich culture of dramatics among students. Be it script writing, music, costumes, sets – boys have developed expertise in different aspects because of the keen interest Swami Himself would take in all aspects of a play He was involved in. And yet – His loving words keep ringing in our hearts“ Drama is not important – boy is important”. The legend goes that Swami had brushed aside a suggestion to change one of the students who was not performing well in a drama. Because of the confidence Swami showed, the student went on to perform his role extremely well to the amazement of all. Be it yester year plays like Bhaja Govindam and Radha Bhakti which Swami directed, or convocation plays where He guided each practice, or the mandir presentations, whatever He witnessed and appreciated, through it all Swami was shaping us. Touched by this bountiful grace, few students have taken up the seva of guiding devotees – the youth, Balvikas members and others – to perform in His divine presence.
Since 2007, students have been guiding the drama performances of devotees as an offering to Bhagawan. Such an interaction becomes a satsang in itself. Students share memories of Swami’s perfection and all the good practices they imbibed. For instance to acknowledge His omnipresence a chair is kept in all practice sessions which start with a prayer offering the activity to Him. For alumni too, it’s a humbling experience seeing the enthusiasm and sincerity of devotees from modest background. One student guiding the Adilabad district play was amazed by the devotion the people had towards Swami. When they performed in His presence, he silently prayed that Swami should given them pada namaskar.
The theme of the play where the devotee wants God & God alone pleased Swami a lot. In fact He remarked that such feelings give Him satisfaction that the Avatar’s purpose is achieved. He chose to bless the entire entourage of 3300 people with pada namaskar. When Swami came near this student, He remarked “ Because of my boy’s desire, I chose to go back on my word of not giving pada namaskar any more”. After this offering, many districts started approaching students to guide plays being offered to Bhagawan.
An offering by Rangareddy district was the same script of Radha Bhakti Swami had written guided this time by one of the alumnus who had acted in the original play. The loving lord acknowledged the fact reminiscing that the particular alumni was part of ‘His play’ earlier. He was visibly pleased with the performance – especially the character of Radha, for no one could make out that it was performed by a boy.
A movement
Such offerings have inspired local talent to write plays and songs inspired by Bhagawan’s message of love and devotion. One of the offerings from Kundarpalli school during 89th birthday transformed an introvert kid into a confident lad who now addresses his school assembly of 100s of student. One of the Hyderabad youth was so inspired by Swami’s patriotic message of Yanna Bharata, tannna bharat in the play he was acting, that he chose to turn down an offer to move to a foreign land. Incidentally, his decision turned out to be a blessing as he prospered in his home town serving his motherland. There have been instances where our alumni have without a second thought gone out of their way and supported these plays when there were resource crunch. The 90th Birthday Vidyavahini offering is not just an affirmation of alumni contribution but a case study in project management itself. There were 1200 children participating across India in this program and they were supported by 600 alumni!
New Year drama

The January 1st dramas which were first offered in His presence in 2009 are a testimony to us being mere Instruments of His. As a dialogue in one of the alumni dramas went, ‘We don’t have to be able, we just need to be available’. During such time, things fall in place as if they are planned meticulously and predetermined by an unseen force. The 2015 play had a character of Krishna which was not easy to cast. The right person to play the part was just not available. The lord answered the prayers by guiding one of our brothers in his dream as to who should do this character. Initially, it seemed to be a debacle – this difficult character requires excessive grace while the student chosen by Him was a professional banker, who looked like a professional banker. But these are instances through which He shows it’s best to leave it all to Him. ‘Let Thy will be done’. One of the brothers unexpectedly came and offered to help. He was not available on January 1st but had done this character in the divine presence many times successfully. It was amazing to see that within an hour’s practice an astute banker was metamorphosed into the graceful Krishna! Be it the mellifluous song that got composed seamlessly last year or the projector that had technically failed but suddenly sprang back to life – His hand is seen doing all. The sense of bonhomie when alumni come together evokes such warmth that boys separated in batches by decades redefine brotherhood. But there is one message that everyone takes back. The play indeed is His, the characters are decided by Him. He decides the acts, the entries and the exits.