Coming Home to the Divine Mother
“Just as the end of culture is perfection, the end of knowledge is love and the end of wisdom is freedom.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba
“I’m going home!” Three words to describe how we feel when we travel to Prasanthi Nilayam – the Abode of the Highest Peace. We come to relive those golden moments that transcend a lifetime. A feeling of nostalgia engulfs us, coupled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, for we were fortunate enough to be the Gopis of Sai Krishna, the Vanaras of Sai Rama.
Just as the tears of gratitude well up in our eyes, we miss seeing our most beautiful and loving mother, our Swami, the tears now flowing, are those of longing. Right then, He makes His presence felt – sometimes from within, sometimes from His picture, else from any other element of His creation. We feel comforted. We feel loved. We see what He taught us through His earthly sojourn: “I am in each, in all My splendour.”
We have so much to be thankful for we don’t even know where to start. Just like the mother knows when her child needs to express, our Sai Ma, in Her infinite love, gave us New Year’s time to return to Her abode and express our love. Then in 2011, She told us to come again and keep coming. We cherish this opportunity and look forward to it all through the year.

When you offer something to Swami, He takes care of everything
This year’s alumni meet was a three-day affair. On 30th December, Sri M. Gopalkrishna, an alumnus of Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music, shared his journey to and through Swami’s institution, and talked about how Swami continues to be his Sanathana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer). This was followed by a mellifluous programme by the Music College alumni. What they said during the programme’s introduction was apt: “Swami! As a token of love and gratitude we present to You the music that You taught us, the knowledge that came from You.” What we saw on the day was an impeccable performance, but what is more pertinent is that most of these boys came from all parts of the country, some from abroad, only due to the bond of love they have with their divine Guru, their Swami. Once they took that one step of wanting to be with Swami, He made the rest happen. Those who weren’t getting leave, got it in the nick of time, and the programme was prepared in just three to four days. One of the performing brothers summed it up elegantly by saying, “When you’re offering something to Swami, He takes care of everything.”
These brothers have taken the onus of spreading the glory of Indian Classical Music, something Swami has a great deal of affection for.
Most of the alumni of Swami’s institutions are in their own way contributing to His mission. The magnitude may vary, but the consciousness of our duty for the same is very much prevalent. Many of the alumni work with their local chapters of Swami’s organisation, while others practice Swami’s teachings in their day-to-day functions. On their visit to Puttaparthi, some happily volunteer to provide training sessions on topics such as soft skills, good communication, and career counselling for students and youth of neighbouring villages.
Some brothers have dedicated their lives to Seva out of their sheer love for Swami and are shining examples for all of us. A small group of such brothers have been championing various service activities in and around Prasanthi Nilayam for over 15 years. From plantation work, to the cleaning and beautification of Chitravati river, to training teachers of neighbouring institutions in Bal Vikas. Swami has been working incessantly through them. On 31st December, a felicitation ceremony was organised at the Kalyana Mandapam, for teachers of neighbouring areas engaged in conducting Bal Vikas classes at their respective institutions. This ceremony was attended by Sri RJ Ratnakar, a trustee of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, who spoke eloquently about how and why each one should connect with Swami’s work. Such activities go a long way in creating an ecosystem in and around Prasanthi Nilayam, each facet of which exudes LOVE, which shall happen by – Living Our Values Everyday.
“The future of the country depends on the skill and sincerity of youth. Therefore, the necessary enthusiasm and encouragement must be generated amongst the youth. All My hopes are based on the students, the youth. They are very dear to Me.”
Blessing of the Lord makes one worthy
All of us are beneficiaries of His fondness for the youth. Still, those who came to Him during their childhood experienced an unforgettable joyride. The mother in Sai shone brighter than the brightest star when She was with her primary school and high school students. In a drama titled ‘Coming home is loving remembrance’, performed in Sai Kulwant Hall on 31st December, the alumni brothers and sisters of Swami’s primary school and high school shared some extraordinary tales. How Swami would enquire about their meals, often visit the hostel, and bathe them in His love, how He would keep a check on the health of those who were ill, and even come to classrooms. Just listening to these stories of the bond shared between the Divine gardener and His blessed saplings fills one with unbridled bliss.
One alumnus had a dream on 29th December in which Swami gave him a microphone to sing the next Bhajan. So, he mentally revised “Rama Rama Sai Rama…” but, woke up before his turn came. But Swami’s will played out. During the primary school and high school programmes, this brother got to lead the same Bhajan in Sai Kulwant Hall! Though he had never been much of a singer, the blessings of the Master made him worthy!

The golden day
New Year Day 2017 was here, and we were in the holiest of holy places. Auspiciousness filled the atmosphere, energy so ubiquitous, one could tap into it by only silencing one’s thoughts. After the university brass band had performed, as is customary for the New Year morning Mandir session, a senior alumnus spoke. This year it was Sri P. Vijaya Bhaskar, a recently inducted trustee of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. Though he held exalted positions and achieved much in his professional career, still, brother Bhaskar spoke of the limitless love which Swami has continued to shower on him right from his student days, saving his life on five occasions. He meticulously articulated the answer to the question: “What does Swami expect from us, His property?” He spoke of five distinct values. Self Confidence, humility, selfless service, refraining from excessive talk and abusing others, and finally, being resolute in our Sadhana for Swami. The talk was well received by all present, after which, Swami’s 108 names were chanted. Words fall short to explain how the Mandir resonated with spiritual energy, thousands filled with Sai love were chanting His name!
The evening Mandir session started with the iconic Alumni flag march, performed with much fervour, and rightfully so, for we salute our Divine Master with every fibre of our being. Then, celebrating their tenth anniversary, Rhythmic Energy (Swami’s alumni band) came to pay homage to the one who is both their rhythm and their energy. Around Christmas day, it didn’t seem likely that the band would perform at all, for only eight members were scheduled to be present, but the Master Orchestrator made sure the players were in place to play His symphony. The boys started calling in to confirm their participation, and finally thirty-two members performed on 1st January. All His play!
Stimulated by Swami’s love, the band boys have resolved to perform more regularly. True enough, they performed beyond compare in Darjeeling and Gangtok in the month of May.
The drama behind the drama
The alumni drama is an offering which, by Swami’s grace, received much appreciation from the Sai family. This year’s Drama, titled ‘Prema Sangamam’ was exquisite to say the least, saturated with Swami’s teachings. With each scene depicting a true incident, it beautifully brought out Swami’s love for His students and His institutions’ teachers. But, the divine drama that happened in the run up to it, was just as incredible, if not more.
Months before New Year day, Swami came to an alumni brother in his dream and said that this year’s drama should be on Dasavataar. A few other brothers also shared a similar message from Swami in their respective dreams. With this divine direction, the core drama team started ideating. Soon they realised that it was nearly impossible to cover all ten avatars in a drama’s timeframe. That’s when their experiences at His Lotus Feet helped them. Swami’s messages aren’t always exactly as apparent, one should treat them as a diving board to take the leap of faith.
Slowly, but surely, the script started to shape up. Now came the task of assigning roles. One of the brothers through whom Swami directed this drama, prayed to Swami to help him find the right actors. Instinctively, he flicked through the contact list on his mobile phone and called the name where the scroll stopped. This brother had twelve roles to assign, and it took him about the same number of calls to do so. Each brother he called was both available and eager to participate. One brother, who but for a delay of flight would’ve been unable to receive this phone call, thanked Swami for giving him the opportunity. Truly, there are no coincidences with Swami!
But more challenges were in the offing. Logistical constraints meant that combined practices could only be done on the last two days. Along that came last-minute script tweaks, and sets and costume requirements. To top it all, with a day to go, the climax scene hadn’t fully taken shape!
How can a showing at such scale, to be watched by a global audience, still go through with so much left to be done at the eleventh hour?
It’s in times like these that His physical absence speaks so eloquently of His omnipresence. We were reminded that – it is His drama, He’s directing it, and He shall make it a success.
Charged by the pining to make an offering to Him, Sai brothers from forty-one batches came together seamlessly and voluntarily, to present this bouquet of love to Him. Each one for the other, and everyone for Sai! We saw it in action! We didn’t realise then that we were part of a miracle, it was only after the drama went off smoothly that we looked back and realised, He has been holding us all in the palm of His hand all along.
Experiencing the ultimate message
We had experienced His ultimate message yet again – all forms are His and once we become the Naivedya, the offering itself to Him, then He and we are one and the same. And He performs miracles through us.
Many times in the past, He assumed a form, like Matsya (Fish), Kurma (Turtle), Varaha (Boar), Mohini (Celestial Dancer), Narasimha (Man-Lion), Vamana (Dwarf), Parshurama, Rama and Krishna. Enchanted us with his magical Leela and gave us invaluable lessons. Out of His unbounded love He assumed this form. He came as our Swami to teach us what love is, and then, He withdrew it so that we become what love can be!
Though we all miss His charming physical presence, if only we seek Him with all our love, both within and in all His creation, we find Him patiently waiting for us, and as we go close, He smiles and whispers in His inimitable style “Dunnapotha!”
May this Prema Bandham continue forever!