And the Love goes on…
In the company of those we love an eon seems a moment, and a few seconds of pain apparently last an age. Premabandham 2022, the alumni meet on 1st January will be the 10th year after Bhagawan’s Ascendance and it still seems like yesterday that we were seated in His Presence, listening to His voice, drinking in His beautiful visage, blessed to bow our heads and kiss His Divine Lotus feet. As He so beautifully put in His letter to His students…
The bird with you, The wings with Me.
The foot with you, The way with Me.
The eye with you, The form with Me.
The thing with you, The dream with Me.
The world with you, The heaven with Me.
So we are free, So we are bound,
You in Me and I in You.
The past two years 2020 and 2021 have taught new lessons. They have prevented us from going to Prasanthi Nilayam. To every alumnus who passed out of the portals of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL), Prasanthi Nilayam is subconsciously associated with the phrase, Home-Base. And it is indeed a Home away from home, which has in more ways than one, set the base; created the foundation for not just a life but for lifetimes. Once we graduate from the university we are blessed with academic degrees that open doors to various walks of life wherein He expects us to behave responsibly as “Sai Students”. Yet, His loving benediction has always been, “…all I want you to do is to earn a good name and bring good repute to your parents.” He asks nothing for Himself, but only wishes for us to “Be Good, See Good and Do Good, for this is the way to God”.
To whom much is given much will be demanded
Bhagawan Adi Shankara said in the Viveka Chudamani
दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतद्देवानुग्रहहेतुकम्
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः|
“There are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God –namely, a human birth, the longing for Liberation, and the protecting care of a perfected sage.”
We as Students of SSSIHL have been blessed with all three. How blessed we were! No, how blessed we are! Many are called but few are chosen. To be His students, in His university and among the chosen ones to carry forward His legacy of “Love All, Serve All” and “Help Ever, Hurt Never”, is a blessing and a responsibility that He has entrusted us with.
Prasanthi Nilayam, is where we go to rejuvenate, revitalize and recharge our batteries in a manner of speaking. We would go back time and again, whenever His call reached us. As Bhagawan said, His Grace is like the rain that eternally blesses, but our hearts, the cups, should be upturned and empty to receive in all fullness. Yet the heart yearns for the wonderful moments spent in His Divine Sannidhi. Sameepyam takes a whole new meaning for those that have experienced His Divine Proximity. Efforts to regain the Sparshan and Sambhashan of student days translated into various activities to please Him.
And yes, when this one step was taken He took the remaining ninety-nine. Seva camps around Puttaparthi started in 1995, wonderful sweet moments and memories with His Invisible Hand, blessing, guiding and guarding the alumni. The Sameepyam and Sannidhyam that the hearts so deeply yearned, He willingly granted. Hands that serve are indeed holier than lips that pray. In 2002 the Bhajan Group was blessed to perform in His presence, 2003 saw the first musical album of ‘A Bridge Across Time’ being offered to Him. 2007 saw the Alumni Band Group, making its debut so too the Alumni Vedam group being blessed with the opportunity to lead the Lord in Procession from Yajur Mandir into Sai Kulwanth Hall. In 2009 He presided over an alumni convention held in Poornachandra hall.
Though His physical frame apparently seemed to give in to the demands to Time, 1st of January as the Alumni Day continued to be a special day in His calendar, a day He gave Himself to His ‘old students’. All the Seva activities performed through the year would be consolidated into an annual report and presented to Swami. He, though the “karthru” (doer) and the “Bhoktru’ (the enjoyer) would give the entire credit to “His boys” and the shower His Love and grace upon us all. The cover story in the 2010 Jan 1 edition of Vidyullekha, has a detailed account of the genesis and evolution of Premabandham, the Alumni Meet on 1st January.
Then came the thunderbolt of 24th of April 2011.
The shock of separation and the immeasurable loss of Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan, having sipped and quaffed ambrosia, quenched one’s thirst from ksheerasaagara (Ocean of Milk), now to slake it from the ksharasaagara (Ocean of salt)… Bhagawan taking Mahasamadhi was a watershed moment, a turning point in history, a breaking point for some, a pivotal moment for others, a day of reckoning for yet others. The entire world responded to Bhagawan giving up His Physical form. The most affected were those that were closest to that form. Those used to drawing succor, solace and strength from that sweet, orange robed, five foot three inch form that defined Truth, Goodness and Beauty, found it hardest to look for Him within; for them the age of reflection and introspection dawned. For others, who had internalized Him, enshrined Him in their hearts, offered themselves, their thoughts, words and deeds to Him in sharanagati.
Post Mahasamadhi Alumni movement
The explosion of activities by alumni on multiple fronts after the Mahasamadhi was proof enough that the Lord works through His instruments and His physical form is just a means of concentrating ones faith. In response, His energy flows through the instrument and Seva, the dearest to Swami and easiest path for oneself, will find expression in myriad ways. The annual report of alumni activities grew as His Mission unfolded through His students. The days leading to 1st Jan of each year saw increasing number of activities around Puttaparthi and on the day itself, Vedam, the music program, the band concert, the drama continued to be presented to Swami. Where there is faith there is everything. And with His Invisible Hand guiding with its magic touch, Love, faith, fortitude and perseverance paid rich Dividends as His Grace filled the upturned cups to the brim.
Gurupoornima 2011 was a tearful event spent in solitude, each of us lost in prayer. Prasanthi Mandir was closed off and the Sacred Ground where He stood and surveyed His Creation changed into the white Marble Mahasamadhi. Sai Kulwanth hall remained open for Devotees to sit and meditate in the hallowed precincts. The first major event after the Mahasamadhi was opened for Darshan was Bhagawan’s Birthday in November 2011. The clouds of gloom still hung low and the celebrations were muted and somber. The grief apart, students and devotees alike were confused on how organizational activities were to be conducted.
Premabandham, 1st Jan at Prasanthi Nilayam
Swami said, “Do not walk in front of Me, I may not follow you. Do not walk behind Me, I may not lead you. Walk beside Me and be My friend.” 1st of January, heralding a New year was an opportunity to be beside Swami, with Him and seek His guidance. The motto of the 1st January confluence was to begin the year on an auspicious note and seek His blessing to live His message. In the initial years after 2011, attendance was low, for many were yet to recover from the Loss. Akin Arjuna without Krishna, several of us were endeavoring to source the strength from within.
1st Jan 2012 was a simple low key event, with few alumni and their families going over to Prasanthi Nilayam. Yet, a Vidyullekha edition, A Bridge Across Time volume, Seva activity report, and the cultural program were presented to His Invisible Divine Presence. Slowly over the years, things are returning to an apparent normal. As a brother said, “Overcoming the feeling of missing Swami’s Presence, it is now about offering Seva activities to Swami. We may not be able to see Swami on Jan 1st, but we are able to see Swami in all on Jan 1st.”
Mid-year alumni meet and academic engagement
Academics with the mid-year Alumni meet. To increase industry-academic relations, over 250 alumni are registered with individual academic departments of SSSIHL to contribute to their alma mater. NAAC members remarked that the alumni community shows the impact the SSSIHL is having on the society.
The alumni community is also actively engaging with the next generation of students. The new students joining from outside the Sai Circle post 2011 have not been blessed with the physical proximity to Bhagawan. A weekly hostel interaction between students and alumni is encouraged. The discussions are not just for career planning and employment guidance, but for value based curriculum teaching, industry relevant research and projects, mentoring, counseling and several other areas of interest.
Samarpan: Samarpan, the title given to the Satsangh series that are conducted in Sai Centres across the world are an outcome of the alumni movement. It is a wonderful platform where alumni across generations speak and share their experiences with the undercurrent being not to miss His physical presence, but to enjoy His memories. The social distancing and lockdowns forced by the pandemic popularized digital platforms, expanding the audience, bringing Swami and His message through His Students to mobile phone screens. Smartphones which are considered addictive to worldly pursuits served the purpose of sanctifying time. A reiteration of Swami’s words “There may be a fault in Drishti (vision) but not in Srishti (creation).” The alumni through online Samarpan programs overcame the limitation of physical sessions, and reached His message to an audience multifold.
Alumni and the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation: The alumni meet has led to alumni Seva fervour which can be felt in SSSSO. Alumni have been invited, have participated and rendered service as part of the SSSSO. At Samithi levels, district levels & state levels Sai Students, alumni of SSSIHL are now office bearers. Swami has advised in His letter to students, immortalised as the prelude to the older version of the SSSIHL prospectus booklet “Make your life a rose that speaks silently in the language of fragrance…”
Regional, national and international Seva activities: The localized Seva programmes in and around Puttaparthi have become stronger. Alumni performed monthly Seva activities along with medical camps during Swami’s birthday. In regional Seva activities, alumni offered Seva when natural disasters struck Kerala, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. At the national and international levels, Seva projects abounded. Despite Covid19, alumni have continued to serve the two super-specialty hospitals at Prasanthigram and Whitefield as volunteers, manning the telephone helpdesk and call centre. And these volunteers were alumni, their families and devotees from across the world. At its peak the team fielded over a 1000 calls a day answering queries and assuaging the fears of poor and needy patients during the two dark years of the pandemic.
Covid19 Seva: During testing times institutions fail, as was evident across the world. However, the alumni community was resilient and in fact, turned the disaster into an opportunity – an opportunity to Serve. In the Bhagawad Gita Bhagawan has said,” Karmanyevaadhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana.” Do your duty, do not worry about the result. Swami in His inimitable style once said to His boys, “Expect the worst, do your best, leave the rest, I will take care.” The alumni converted a ‘period of excuse’ to a period of opportunity.
Food distribution: Spanning across social lines, from the homeless to the destitute, from the sick and elderly to Covid stricken… a massive exercise across the country was taken up with SSSSO and the alumni pooling strengths and resources. Thousands of lives were touched and transformed and Swami entered the lives of those whom He chose to bring into His fold.
Oxygen concentrators and helplines: Oxygen Concentrators (OC) were in dire need for those with Covid compromised lungs. The alumni and the SSSSO worked together to create a resource pool of OCs, procuring them in bulk, distributing them to hubs across geographies and having a central command and control team with helplines manned 24/7 by alumni and devotee volunteers. A majority of the alumni were not office bearers or formal members of the SSSSO but they just joined hands and created a wave. These volunteers remain nameless and faceless, true to Swami’s definition of Seva.
For more details, please read the August 2021 and Dussera 2021 Editions of Vidyullekha.
Premabandham Cultural Events
The cultural programs on Jan 1st continue to be what they were in Bhagawan’s physical divine presence. If anything, the intensity, rigor and passion for perfection has increased the quality manifold. The Music group composes melodious new songs every year. The alumni band has evolved into a marvelous concert band playing Bhajans, Fusion and Western Classical compositions with aplomb. The alumni drama offering has advanced with technology so much so that the 2021 1st Jan drama was literally a short movie, broadcast by the SSSMC. The ‘A Bridge Across Time’ team has never missed presenting a new album to Swami every year, even during the Covid pandemic. The Vidyullekha website ( went live on His Birthday and since then has a readership of over 2000 users online. For the 95th year of the Avatar, a special commemorative volume of Vidyullekha was released. And every year unfailingly the Jan 1st edition of Vidyullekha finds its place as an offering at the Divine Lotus Feet.
Here is a peep into two of the cultural events that Swami blessed to be presented in His Divine presence.
Alumni drama
The first Alumni Drama was enacted in Bhagawan’s presence on Jan 1st 2010 – the result of intense prayers in 2009. Brother Sriranganath Raju approached Swami and a short sweet conversation followed. Seeing Raju approaching, Swami asked if He should speak.
Raju replied in the affirmative.
Swami replied with a smile, “But I just spoke”, Implying that the message had already been conveyed through the drama.
The boys then chorused, “Swami, your voice is sweet”.
Swami closed the conversation with His Blessings ,”All will be tired. All alumni are doing good Seva; I am happy to see so many boys.”
The following year 2011, Swami once again blessed the alumni to enact a drama and singled out brother Ashok Ahuja for special attention. It was a treat to see Bhagawan speak and bless him.
Brother Raju narrated several instances when Swami made things happen that would normally be impossible. The LCD projector switched itself off and despite all efforts would not start. The backdrop contained a message vital for the scene and the actors had all but given up… but it started at the precise moment in the scene. The Audio Visual team, later confided that they had prayed to Swami and had full faith that Swami would take care, and He did. Doubt thunders, Faith Answers.
On another occasion Brother Anindya was praying for an opportunity to participate in the program and out of the blue he received a phone call from Brother Sriranganatha Raju asking him if he could participate in the drama. Another Brother Bharath placed a cold call to Brother Raju just when Raju was looking for an actor. Brother Raju confessed that he just prays to Swami and randomly scrolls through his contact list and pings brothers. And, for want of a better word, miraculously it turns out that the brothers too were looking for a chance to participate and fit the role to a T.
After Mahasamadhi, the number of alumni coming to Prasanthi Nilayam fell and finding actors for the drama was then not possible. Jan 1st 2016 saw it restart. And then on Swami’s hand was evident in everything. In 2017 alumni drama, there was a 30 year span between the oldest and the youngest alumnus participating in the drama. Consider the beauty of Bhagawan’s grace, bringing together seniors and juniors some of whom had not even been born when their seniors had graduated, onto the same stage, to relive moments spent in His Presence. Several seniors later shared their joy with voices choked with emotion that acting once again in Bhagawan’s omnipresence was like going back to their Mother’s lap.
Some of the brothers acting in the Dramas are very senior professionals, heading organizations, leaders in their own right, but they willingly accept small roles with humility, dedications & devotion. One brother, Praveen Sachvani, a Senior Director in a Global IT services firm chose to do justice to the character he was portraying on stage in the drama. He ordered special contact lenses so he would not need to wear glasses, and even tonsured his head like a typical Brahmana Purohita to suit the role of a poor Kuchela approaching his friend Krishna for help. To carry such emotions when one is not a professional actor, away from Puttaparthi with one’s family and in the professional world shows deep devotion, well rewarded by Bhagawan with abundant Grace.
One of the actors had bilateral knee replacement and was the protagonist for the drama. As part of the play he was to kneel in a particular scene. Some of the other actors were still syncing into their characters and some of the lines had to be repeated several times. This brother had to fall on his knees, 40 times a day for practice over an entire the week. We were seriously concerned that he would hurt himself but he brushed it off with a smile. “I am doing it for Swami” he said. And needless to say, the pain faded away… Swami did take care.
Referring to a drama entitled ‘The Perfect Flute’ Brother Jaydeep Das, the protagonist was nonplussed for pretty singular reason. Bhagawan refers to a flute having nine holes, drawing it as a parallel to the human body which too has nine orifices. Flutes played by Carnatic musicians apparently have 9 holes but the Hindustani flute has less. For all practice sessions till the final day, a Hindustani flute was being used. On the day of the drama… a Carnatic flute comes from no where. Even the costumes department did not remember having one. When the desire is to please God, God ensures the prayers are answered. In the same drama Jaydeep felt a song was needed in the script but it was too late in the schedule as the recording was already scheduled for the next day. He prayed to Swami that he needed a song by next morning. The song ‘Hey murali mohan giridhari’ came to him. He said,” It came… almost like a download. Everything, lyrics & tune came within no time in the morning. I wasn’t thinking and composing, it was just that it was a downpour from an unknown source.”
Behind the scenes, alumni as stage hands work overnight to get the sets and props ready and in place. The right props for the right scene in the right place at the right time. Songs, background music and sometimes even the final song are composed in marathon 48 hour sessions. Efforts are made with the single intent of “Let’s make Swami happy” and Grace just flows. His Will works magic. Resources come in when needed, sets and costumes arrive as exactly envisaged by the writer and director.
Practice sessions are heavy, intense and unforgiving but they become Satsanghs where memories of moments spent with Swami are shared by brothers across generations. Energies return and the actors plunge into their roles with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.
Studio recording of the dialogues for the drama is another queuing theory puzzle that is Divinely resolved. The exact number of boys needed for the characters land up in Bangalore, at the recording studio. One year, a character needed a base voice but the person who was to give the voice dropped out. Studio time was running and frantic calls were being made, reaching out to brothers who may fit the requirement. Lo and behold a brother drives in to drop off another voice artist and turns out to have a better voice than the original. Swami is still selecting boys for ‘His Drama’.
As regards costumes, Sri.Karunakar Rao and Team are famed professionals in the Telugu film industry who have been working on costumes for decades. Bhagawan once told Sri.Karunakar during darshan to take care of his heart. Mr. Karunakar went for an immediate checkup and was shocked to see that he was a hair’s breadth away from a major heart attack. Overwhelmed by gratitude, he now helps the alumni drama team, every year, at a fraction of the professional fee he charges for Telugu movies.
Brother Sri Ranganatha Raju concluded his conversation recounting Swami’s words. “Drama being performed for Swami is a yagnyam; each boy is making an offering, an oblation.” The Alumni Drama continues to be an offering suffused with love, devotion and complete dissolution of oneself into the role one assays in the Divine Presence and in response, His Love, Grace and Blessings flow in Abundance.
Alumni band
The alumni band concert is one of the fixtures in the cultural program. The offering was accepted by Swami in the year 2007 and since then, the group has gradually evolved in content and quality to near professional standards. There was a massive dip in participation after Mahasamadhi, but over the years the numbers came back and for the 2020 alumni day program there were over 30 brothers playing for Swami in Sai Kulwant Hall at Prasanthi Nilayam. The communication and coordination was originally through phone calls, then a Yahoo group, a Google group and now Whatsapp groups. There is a main group and there are separate section wise groups like trumpets, clarinets, saxophones, trombones, and so on.
“It is a big exercise!” said Sai Srinivasa Raghavan. “How to start at the end of November and work through December and present on 1st Jan, keeping in mind that we are geographically scattered, but… it still happens, every year! For 2021 a physical program was not possible because of the Covid19 lock down. We planned for a video presentation. People drove down to Bangalore, had the opportunity to play and record the music pieces and shoot the videos in Trayee Brindavan, Swami’s home and reach out to a global audience through the SSSMC.”
Shyam Kumar Sundarkumar continued, “This year also (1st Jan 2022), is going to be something different, but it will happen. One unique thing about the alumni band is it is not about numbers but about representation. Even if there is just one person there in His Presence on 1st Jan, it is sufficient. He has given us so much and that love drives the brothers of the band.”
Songs and Music…
After the list of musicians and the number of instruments in each section are finalized, the music pieces are selected. Initially it was western pieces, marches and songs that the band had played as students and a couple of new songs also to a western tune and rhythm. The audience could not appreciate the music as there was no connect and Swami as quick to respond. The band caught the direction of the wind and decided to play bhajans. First simple bhajans then Carnatic style bhajans. The audience immediately responded as they could relish what they know and recognize… and so did Bhagawan.
For one year the number of instruments was low, for various reasons, the thought arose that the band could have songs and singing as well, with instruments supporting as harmony. Those were also received well. First was Gananaayakaya, then Jai ho, then Shiva Panchakshari Stotram, then The One. Several more followed with each song having its own story. The other thought was whoever was present would play as individuals. Some were pretty proficient with their instruments, and selected songs apt for the event. Bhagawan blessed both the new ideas and Solos became part of the ensemble.
Sai Aditya said, “Once the songs are selected the composers arrange the music to suit the ensemble. The key players here are the composers and the band leader. Each year there used to be a center piece that was the contribution of the band leader like Gananaayakaaya and Jai ho. Each year someone steps in and new pieces were written, composed, arranged, and rendered. And each time the right mix and match would be achieved. The same set of students, who were arranging music as students, graduated, joined the Alumni Band and continued the same. Arka Ghosh and Rishab Nair are really blessed in this sense. We can just leave it to them to come up with the song, the music, the notes for each section of the band and the overall music is just so balanced, rich and full. The final song list is a mix of numbers. Some songs are composed for the occasion; some may have been played on earlier occasions in His Presence.”
And some programs themselves are epiphanies… when the Lord inspires, and the music of the spheres flows through. Rishab Nair shared his experience leading to the 1st Jan program of 2020.
“There were to be seven music pieces together narrating a story, one leading into the other. Having presented the idea I was eager to deliver. I was praying to Swami for the story. But nothing came forth. The entire band group was waiting for me to send them notes and I did not even have the theme, the story in place. Even three days before the deadline where I had promised notes, I had no music to share. I broke down and prayed to Swami and within two and half days all the songs were ready – Music and lyrics. That was an amazing experience feeling the music flow through and the notes just appearing on the screen. In the beginning, people were a bit apprehensive about all new pieces. But this symphony was not all new and not all bhajans; it was a blend of several styles, moods and emotions. It had everything. On the final day, after the performance the All India President Sri. Nimesh Pandya said, “Why do we spend on orchestras when we have our own children playing such wonderful music.” Several of our teachers came, congratulated and blessed us that we play this music across the world. This music was entirely inspired, conducted and I would confess, even played by Swami.”
Kamesh added, “We must definitely give credit to the past several batches of students, graduating from the university and the Institute Brass Band and immediately joining the Alumni Band group. From reading western notes to playing techniques, they have been helping seniors read and play complex music pieces. There is so much they bring with them. Reading and playing music has always been an issue. The Institute Brass Band started learning to read and play western notation from 1993- 1994 onwards. But there was a quantum leap in 1998, the impetus to read and play music advanced and by 2007, everyone in the band read music.”
The Practice…
Brother Shyam kumar began, “For a while we did not have a place to practice or keep common instruments like the Drum kit, Audio visual equipment and accessories. We would keep things fluid and practice in Brindavan on weekends next to the library. But finally we got permission from Swami’s hospital, SSSIHMS Whitefield to practice in the hospital morgue as it was huge and rarely used.
Later we were granted permission to use the Queue Complex on Sundays as it would be closed and was right at the entrance to the hospital. The beauty of the practice session is the energy and enthusiasm in participation. Bangalore and Chennai brothers would come as travel time was manageable, but we would also have people flying in Mumbai and other places… even for practice sessions. That is the kind of energy in this group. And it is all because of Swami. He is the hub that holds us all as one.”
There is a lot of coordination between the current student band and the Alumni Band on two main fronts: Music Notes and instruments. The current band shares notes with the Alumni Band as some of the numbers chosen to be played on 1st Jan will be from earlier song lists, familiar to Swami and also the musicians. As regards musical instruments there is collaboration with the university brass band regarding the Bass section.
Sai Aditya who played in the bass section shared his experiences.”Certain bass instruments like the Baritone, sousaphone and Tuba are too expensive to be purchased and owned by individuals in the Alumni Band. When such instruments are part of the ensemble, the musicians go over early to Puttaparthi, sometimes a week in advance, borrow the instruments from the current band, without disturbing their flow or practice sessions, practice and play for the final day.”
In Puttaparthi practice sessions had different locations: Hill view stadium galleries flanking Shanti Vedika, The cricket pavilion, behind the indoor stadium, outside the library building, the computer center and for the last couple of years it was in the foyer of new building next to Institute Auditorium.
Sai Srinivas Raghavan who plays the trumpet said, “Each place has its own acoustics, different from Sai Kulwanth hall. In the Mandir, emotions come into play and the mind stops working. However much we have employed the mind and practiced, once in His Presence, we just pray and give in to Him. It is finally the emotion, the love that works and Swami plays for Himself. From love to Love.”
Rishab added, “For the symphony 2020, as a composer I may have a vision of how it sounds. But when individual instruments played, they will not know how the piece sounds. The first time it was played was in Puttaparthi, in the institute foyer. Hence practice sessions have become really serious.”
From a group of musicians that would have fun while practicing and get serious for the last two sessions, the alumni band has evolved to give each practice session its total attention. No distractions of any kind including mobile phones. The team has refined itself to making use of every second for its intended purpose. The professionalism and time management that they exercise in their places of work has now been brought here as well, practicing the aphorism, “If you are serious when you practice you can enjoy when you play”. The music then speaks for itself.
The Performance…
Over the years the quality of the band has improved as shared by both the musicians and the audience. 10 years of playing music to His Invisible Divine form has raised the collective consciousness of the band.
As Kamesh Janakiraman who plays the saxophone put it, “We used to play music, and we were amateurs not professionals. But now with the fresh batches graduating and joining the alumni band, we find them very talented and at the peak of what they do, consequently the quality of music has risen to greater levels. And they bring with them new ideas, better planning and execution. All the logistics are attended to now. From the first performance where there was minimal A/V coordination to the latest live performance in 2020 where we played Rishab’s symphony, the band has come a long way. One must say it was one of the best programs so far.”
Rishab shared his technical perspective. “Logistically, the alumni band had its own equipment in the past. For the Symphony, the band had the complete set: Amplifiers, microphones, mixers, stands… the works. This was a symphony and for it to sound perfect, everything had to be just right. We worked with the SSSMC, inviting them over for practice session and prepared a sheet which had the complete details phrase to phrase.” He paused and then added with a smile, “It all paid off, all the sadhana we did is there for the world to hear”.
Then continued, “On the final day we just have one round of practice in the morning and then rest so we are fresh when we play for Swami. There are of course nuances of how to get the instruments to the Mandir, some borrowed from the current band, the visuals accompanying the songs, synchronizing the live performance with sequenced images in real time, the card, the rose and a host of other trifles that make perfection.”
Sai Aditya said, “We thought there would a big difference between when Swami was physically with us and now. When Swami was physically with us, things were organized, sequenced and there was a method, a structure, yet there was always uncertainty. He is the only audience and His word is final. And He could change things on the go… We were always apprehensive, as things could change any moment. But even after Mahasamadhi the same uncertainty continues, just that it is distributed across several variables.”
Rishab echoed the thought, “Yes, His physical presence brings out the best in us because of His uncertainty. We have to do our best as nothing less than that can be offered to God. But, surprisingly even now, there is no difference, from planning to execution; Swami will create situations where we are always on our toes. In face more aware of His Presence.”
Sai Aditya continued, “The same emotion when He was physically with us continues even now.”
“Love my uncertainty”, said Arvind.Y quoting Swami. “For that is the only certainty with God.”
Raghavan chimed in on a deeper note,” How do we define Swami? The first feeling was physical. Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan; with Him always with us, the feeling that He is God, the awe and reference came next. The physical aspect overpowered us. But when Swami left physically, over time thoughts receded and clarity emerged that we were with God, we played in front of God and we feel it now.”
Kamesh concurred, “The way you connect with Him is much, more! We knew He was omnipresent,” he said, stressing on the word knew.” Lowering his voice he concluded, “We now feel His omnipresence. We felt this during the 2020 program.”
The team agreed that whatever we may be doing, He is watching and guiding. If it is a commentary, one may have prepared some text but in the Mandir, emotions flood through and one feels His Presence. The prepared text vaporizes and the heart speaks what He wanted one to speak. It is a unique opportunity to present what one has been experiencing over an entire year. And as musicians all the planning, dedicated practice and sincerity pays off just to be there on the Alumni Day, on the first day of a new year, heralding a future that He has in store for us. Being with the Lord, in His Presence, playing ones heart out to the Bhaavapriya, for indeed Music is the language of the Gods.
Personal experiences
Rishab Nair, the youngest composer, arranger in the Alumni Band shared his thoughts on working with the Alumni Band “I joined in 2015 and in the very first year composed and arranged music for the Alumni band. There were brothers considered as stalwarts and legends but they all we so humble cooperative and mutually respectful. There were no airs about them and they were ready to play what was given to them. I was a new challenge to compose a piece for the alumni band where the degree of expertise and ranges varied widely, literally across decades. All of us would love to play something crazy; we all know what ranges we can play, so we keep in mind while composing. Simpler notes putting together the song with the best possible combination of instruments, music and notes.”
Speaking of one particular piece, keys to imagination by the Greek composer Yanni… Having heard it, the band wanted to play it for Swami, and a few years later an opportunity presented itself to compose, arrange and play it as a band ensemble in Prasanthi Nilayam. “The joy lies when everybody takes ownership of the composition. For instance, after picking up the song Rajat Shastri came and gave suggestions adding value to the trumpet notes. For the flute, M.Aravind Kumar picked up the piece and had his suggestions for variations that would add greater depth to the music. This is the magic in this group. The song is not just notes but a deep personal experience, a personal connect between the musician and Swami.”
Sai Srinivas, spoke of a song titled “The One” composed by Bro. Vijay S. Prasad, a drummer, and presented to Swami on Jan 1st 2010. Sai Srinivas had suffered a fractured forearm on December 18th 2009 and the doctors’ orders were to give the arm rest for a month. But the yearning to be with Swami for the alumni meet was so strong that he went over to Prasanthi Nilayam anyway. And since he could not play he gave commentary between the songs holding the microphone with the same hand. And that year Swami blessed all the musicians, singers and band alike with Padnamaskar. When it was his turn, Bhagawan’s eyes gestured towards the plaster cast quizzically, then He smiled, nodded reassuringly and raised His hand in blessing; an acknowledgment of the desire to be With the Lord and A blessing that all will be well. That moment is captured for eternity and now holds a sacred place in his house.
Walking down memory lane the brothers shared memories of the first fusion number performed by the Alumni band of Chameleon and Mahaganapatim. A Classical Raaga by name Naata with a hit number from western Rock. The meld and melody was so seamless that the audience burst into spontaneous applause and a smile to the sweet countenance of the Lord. Brother Kamesh recollected Bhagawan’s reaction to the number “Brass Explosion” when played by the alumni band was truly memorable. The march had been played by the same set of alumni, when they were students, with the same band leader conducting the program now. Swami pointed towards the conductor with twinkling eyes, smiled and said, “This is from your time.” A classic reminder that He is indeed a personal God.
Alumni Band and Life Lessons…
Being part of the Alumni Band means different things to different people and the takeaways, lessons learned, insights acquired personal and professional evolution all take on a new meaning and color. On being asked how the Alumni Band fraternity has touched their lives the brothers had thought provoking responses.
Brother Kamesh said, “Being part of the alumni band, time and again really helps mend and perhaps even remove ones ego, right from the thought of who we are. The younger entrants are much more blessed and musically capable and their talents and ability are truly humbling. For instance when you hear someone say, ‘I was born when you passed out of the university’ and he plays music way beyond what you can, the words of professor Anil Kumar from his botany class echo in my ears, ‘Your apical meristems are removed’.” Moving to a personal note he continued, “In 2005, I moved to Delhi and settle in Chandigarh. In 2007 when the band was formed, I would fly down every weekend to Bangalore for practice. Then the day came when I decided to shift to Bangalore permanently. The bond was so deep that in my exit interview I just said I have a higher calling, I thought it would happen 10 to 15 years down the line, but it has happened now. From 2007 onward, I was able to be part of every practice. And in 2009 after the program, I was telling Swami, about my father’s sashthipoorthi (60th Birthday), He said, “Everything will be fine, I will take care.” I had that special moment with Swami because of the Band. The alumni band changed my life to be with Swami.”
Rishab joined in,” It has helped in so many ways, personally and professionally. Music is my profession and I am blessed that whatever I got to do as a student I am continuing as a profession. It has helped me grow, right from college days, with teachers like Paul Erhard and the support and inputs from senior brothers. To take up programs, organizing, and logistics are life skills not just arranging music. They all have larger meaning in life. For me personally one thing I have really gained is it has given tremendous amount of self-confidence. Every time you come to the alumni meet, things don’t happen according to plan, you do not have any other choice except to surrender to Swami, and things just fall into place. But you experience it every year. It is reinforcement in your professional life. Do your best but always have God as your focus.”
“I have always felt that the band is all about synergy”, said Sai Aditya. “People play different music, in the band, in life, their purpose in life; it is all about music and being in harmony. There is synergy between the leads and the basses. The basses support while the melody and harmony float above; it is integration, if you want to build positivity, we need different talents and energies, a synergy of which will lead to experiencing Divinity.” He paused as though collecting his thoughts and continued, “My father passed away just three days before Jan 1st 2014 program. I had been practicing, and decided to go ahead and participate. That I felt would make Swami and my Father happy. I could not let this event affect the program. On Alumni day, the organizers gave me the rose to offer to Swami. I just let myself go during the program, love and gratitude to Swami and my Father, I poured into the instrument. My prayer is… let us be these golden instruments making others happy.”
Sai Srinivas added thoughtfully, “To me it is all about just being there. We started at zero, we feel we have evolved; we neither get anything nor take anything. The moment we limit ourselves asking, why me, why do I need to come, why do I need to play, why be part of this… things stop moving we stop evolving. Just being there is all that matters; the rest is the presence of being. What matters is the value that we bring in to the program. If we limit ourselves, we stop growing. If we focus on the value, the boundary keeps expanding. In the year 2006 I had a vivid dream that we were playing as an alumni band, traveling places playing Carnatic music and bhajans. The next year it actually happened. We played for Him and we are travelling as a group and playing Carnatic, and bhajans of course with other music as well. In the months leading to 1st Jan 2007, we went to Yajur Mandir and offered a letter to Swami, seeking permission for the Alumni Band program. In the year 2007 we were unsure whether the program would be permitted and three of us offered the card. Bhagawan asked 3 questions: Where are they from? Where did they get the instruments? Where did you practice? Looking back…we thought we were the doers… It was Him all along.
And the love goes on…
The Vidyullekha team would like to thank the following brothers for sharing their stories and information for this article.
Post Mahasamadhi Alumni Activities
- Brother Sai Prasanna | 1980 – 1985 | B.Com, M.Com.
- Brother Venkat Desikan Mani | 1992 – 1995 | BSc. Chem.
Alumni drama
- Brother Srirangananth Raju | 1998-2007 | MA Eco., MBA Fin.
- Brother Jaydeep Dass | 2004 -2006 | B.Com, MBA Fin.
Alumni band
- Sai Srinivasa Raghavan | 1996 – 2003 | B.Sc Maths Hons., M.Sc. Maths , M.Tech (CS) | Trumpet.
- Brother Shyam Kumar Sundarakumar| 1995-2002 | B.Sc Maths Hons., M.Sc. Maths , M.Tech (CS) | Baritone / Tenor / Alto Saxophone.
- Brother Kamesh Janakiraman | 1995-98 | B.Sc. Bio.Sc. Hons. | Alto Saxophone.
- Brother Sai Aditya C | 2004-2009 | B.Sc. Eco., MBA Fin. | Sousaphone, Tuba, baritone , Trumpet.
- Brother Rishab Nair | 2008-2015 | B.Com Hons., MBA | Clarinet, Keyboard, Composer, Conductor.