The well-known old dictum that “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” is very relevant to institutions of education. Every centre of learning is ultimately to be judged by the quality of citizens it produces. It is indeed gratifying to note that the Sri Sathya Sai University (SSSU) which is barely twenty seven years old can rightfully stand today to claim its uniqueness.
A proof of this lies in the quality of its alumni. In keeping with the objectives with which Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba started this University, its alumni have turned out to be role models for today’s youth. They have excelled as professionals in whatever they have chosen to undertake, as excellent human beings as individuals and inspiring leaders in whatever socially desirable pursuits they have chosen to undertake.
Yet, I would take this opportunity to remind all alumni of this University that, as Bhagawan’s students whom He has time and again claimed to be His only treasure, they have still far to go. Revered Chancellor’s standards are much higher than what these may appear to be. In His graciousness He is often kind to us but that need not give us the mistaken view that we have done what was expected.
The years are going to be important and challenging because the Divine Mission today stands at a threshold, poised for higher goals. This is particularly true of the Sri Sathya Sai University. Its unique character is getting widely recognised and this in turn has brought out by the view expressed by a University Grants Commission (UGC) team of outstanding academics led by its Vice-Chairperson. The unqualified and unanimous view was that “UGC needs the SSSU much more than the SSSU needs UGC”.
This places a great onus not only on the faculty, the administration and the present army of students of this University, but also on its alumni. They need to rededicate themselves to the task for which Bhagawan Baba has empowered them. It is also necessary to get back to their alma mater so as to see how they can repay the debt they owe to it in terms of their efforts to strengthen it. Today is a good day to begin in full earnestness.
Jai Sai Ram!