Ashok Kumar Reddy. P
As a child, I wondered at the purpose and place of ourselves in the entire system of things. I would say it could have been the immense grace of the Lord. That HE drew us near and all the good the elders would have done. I was fortunate to see GOD and HE was exactly as I dreamed had I not physically seen HIM. That, was to me, the most delightful thing. If I close my eyes and see what did Swami mean in essence to me, these are thoughts that come to me and I place them at HIS feet. His Love is so sweet, HE can seek the tiniest spark in you and let it glow into an eternal flame of joy, for, HE sees himself in us.
Dear Lord SAI
How could I ever convey
The delight you create
Drops of memory, I offer at your feet
Let me cleanse my soul again
How from afar did YOU pull me
all to tell me how near WE are
and YOU gave everything so free
so that we become forever free
What would GOD be like
The most sweetest of all
You filled our hands with sweets and mangoes
and drenched me in delight
while you told me, we are made of nectar immortal
Did I ever dream to see GOD
when we saw each other
we knew there was nothing else to see
the dust you cleared
the vision you gave
The lens of love you placed
How much does God love the world
Oh! He has come for its very uprise
He cares for every soul
He asks you taste the ‘dish’ He serves
and see for ourselves the taste
He never tramples another
He only lets everyone be
Not an inch of ego
Always Loving
Always in the moment
His never misses the mark
you can see His marvel in
health, education and well-being
you must make yourselves ‘light’
so that you alight with Him
He likes a beaming face
soul filled with purity and courage
The flower that blossoms in joy
and withers joyfully.
How did GOD interact
His movement was gentle
when He placed His hand on your Head
He uplifted the soul
when He looked at you
you could believe how much He believes you
He would see himself in all
How did GOD speak
Laughter, Joy, Care
He would speak
For hours He would advise
never a moment of fatigue
His energy was that of the SUN
it wouldn’t change if the light
was received or returned.
What does GOD do to you
He fills you with delight
He changes your moments to eternity
Can we ask for more
Blossom like the flower
Be like the SUN
Let us do SAI’s will

Ashok Kumar Reddy Grade 1 to M.Tech Computer Science in Bhagawan’s institutions at Prasanthi Nilayam, 1987 – 2006. Currently Software Engineer at GE Healthcare, Bengaluru. He took part in Vidyavahini and continues to involve himself in various Sai Events.