Parikshit Menon
दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतद्देवानुग्रहहेतुकम् ।
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः
There are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God – namely, a human birth, the longing for Liberation, and the protecting care of a perfected sage.
Vivekachoodamani, Verse 3
In the above verse, Adi Shankaracharya clearly articulates the three prerequisites for achieving life’s purpose which we all are endowed with, particularly in our case – the bonus being – the compassionate Hand of Swami who is the Creator and Veda Purusha. To realise this rare privilege and make choices in line with the teachings of Swami has been my foremost learning at His Lotus Feet.
Though my family has been blessed to know Swami for the last four generations, my understanding of Swami and His profound message was deeply shallow and inadequate, prior to joining Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning for the MBA (Finance) programme in 2013. The yearning to study at His Institute and the curiosity to know more about Bhagawan made me quit my job at a multinational firm in Pune, which at a worldly level may sound unwise to do!
The period of two years at the modern Gurukula, the Institute and the hostel, was a remarkable time, wherein I developed skills such as leadership traits and self-confidence, discovered my hidden talents – dramatics, editing publications and truly understood the meaning of ‘Seva’ (during Grama Seva). I also consider myself blessed to have been part of the Convocation Dramas. This hallowed place broadened my perspective of life, gave me clarity which I lacked before, both from a professional and spiritual plane, coupled with a paradigm shift in my thought process.
It is said that Swami plants the seeds in the hearts of students while at the Institute and allows it to germinate at the appropriate time. After graduating from the Institute in 2015, it has been a challenging adventure which taught me several lessons and shaped my personality. My first assignment was in the office of the Chief Financial Officer of a leading global steel company in Mumbai. The role involved handling sensitive and confidential proposals and working directly under the Board of Directors. The work ethic, value system and integral education learnt at SSSIHL only helped me to grow and contribute effectively in this critical and complex role. This also reinforced my conviction and belief in our core values. One of the incidents I recall is the conversation with my peers at the lunch table. Many of them (youth) would speak on how they spent their weekend watching movies, partying or just relaxing at home. In contrast, I would narrate the Seva and cultural activities in which I would participate as a member of the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. Initially, they would mock me. However, after some time, they were intrigued and eager to get updates on any Seva or drama being presented!
Last year I got an opportunity to make my maiden visit abroad by travelling to Amsterdam on a short business visit. Though there were official commitments, the connection with the local Sai community was reassuring in a foreign land. I was returning on April 24 – Aradhana Mahotsavam Day and hence wanted to visit the local Sai Center. I had no knowledge of the city or the routes. With prayers to Swami and able assistance from the Sai Youth of Amsterdam, I landed up at the house of an elderly lady wherein the Sai members had arranged for Seva to clean the lady’s backyard farm. My office colleague also tagged along taking the apparent risk of relying on me (indirectly Swami) as we had to arrange for our transport to the airport for the flight back to India! This gave me a glimpse of the Omnipresence and power of Swami’s Love.
Swami always gives us the opportunity and chance to improve our own self. It is left up to us whether we capitalise on them and selflessly profit from these events. A recent example which I have witnessed is the COVID-19 migrant Seva organised by the alumni in collaboration with an alumnus run NGO, Sai Krushna Charitable Trust, in Bengaluru. I have slowly realised that the more we read and practice Swami’s teachings of selfless love and sacrifice, the more we benefit in His Company. We have only two choices – Use the world to achieve Swami or Use Swami to achieve the world. In my understanding, the former is the preferred and easier path (Shreyas Marga versus.the latter being the Preyas Marga).
I offer my Love and pranams at the Lotus Feet of Swami and pray to Him so that we are aware of our true nature, the treasure of the three boons conferred on us as described by Adi Shankara and derive permanent Bliss during our temporary stay here.

Parikshit Menon MBA Finance, 2013 – 2015, Prasanthi Nilayam. Currently Commercial Manager in the Watches & Wearables Division of the Titan Company in Bengaluru. He is part of the Alumni team engaged in Seva activities across Bengaluru.